
My Sitcom

Title Vince's Buns
Format 6 episodes
Theme Vince messes up and Natasha helps him out
Style Verbal Humour
POV Vince and Natasha
Setting Bakery
Characters Natasha- looks out for vince
Zander - the exterminator
Target 16-30 year olds
Background Vince works in a bakery to pay for his training as he is a body builder he is very vain and takes pride in his appearence. The bakery has an infestation of rats. This causes humour as Vince is terrified of them and everytime he comes across one and panics causing some disaster or other of which Natasha has to clear up for him. He also when the exterminator finally arrives finds him deadly attractive and constantly flirts with him

1 comment:

CJ said...

Well done, Sarah! One of my favourite titles ever - a nice pun.